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Ending Ohio’s Dependence on Cash Bail
Freedom should be free. We envision a world where justice, dignity, and freedom are not determined by wealth.
Ohio’s reliance on cash bail has perpetuated a two-tiered system of justice: one for the wealthy and one for the rest of us.
The current system disproportionately punishes and targets Black people and other people of color as well as people from economically disadvantaged communities.
We can’t end mass incarceration without ending the bail system as we know it.
Join the ACLU of Ohio as we push for change.

Pretrial Basics
What is bail? How does money fit in? Who is locked up before trial? Learn what you need to know about the bail system and the pain of the pretrial detention.

Spending even a few days in jail can have devastating consequences. Bail shouldn’t function as a form of punishment or a way to pressure someone to plead guilty.

No one’s freedom should depend on their bank account balance.
Learn more about our plan to change Ohio's pretrial system once and for all.

Resources and campaign updates
Documents, one-pagers, reports, blogs, news and more - to download and share.

Share your story
Across Ohio, people are stripped of their rights by the state’s unjust pretrial system and dependence on cash bail.
Have you been impacted?
Lift your voice. Share your story.

Action Team
A powerful organized body of activists and ACLU supporters who work to push campaigns regionally and statewide.

Request a bail reform toolkit to get started.
Contact the Organizing Department today!
Join the ACLU of Ohio Action Team, a powerful organized body of activists and ACLU supporters who work to push campaigns regionally and statewide.
To learn more about all our work, please visit the ACLU of Ohio's homepage.